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Check our processes to find out why we are World Leaders in Healthy and High Polyphenolic Olive Oil


olive oil is produced with intervention - alteration of the environment and obsolete ideas, industrialized production methods instead "nature focused", from the field to the final consumer, in ways that do not respect nature, the trees, the fruits and the product, resulting in nature's payback, "return what it receives", meaning production of olive oil not only without natural nutrients but also harmful to health.

SPARTA Original Greek
This is the unrivaled Philosophy behind all our processes. Endlessly evaluating, unceasingly trying, continuously evolving, non-stop learning. Putting into action e-v-e-r-y single method and let it pass through the judgement of life and reality:
If it works for everyone and everything, we apply it. If it doesnt, we archive it.
This is the frame behind our World Pioneering Know How, our Ground Breaking New Methods in conjunction with the Best of Traditions. This is the secret behind our unprecedented products.
New ways and ideas of production methods combined with the best of traditional craftsmanship is helping us ensure that the legendary quality and design of our Wild Olive Oil never falters while at the same time we preserve and protect the environment, keep it intact, as nature wants. These are among our proudest accomplishments. It is not "one against another", it is the synthesis of what works best for everyone and everything: The ecosystem (flora and fauna), the products and all the humans involved: our Family, our Workers, our Associates, our Partners and our Customers.
Inventing new ways of sharing health with the world is one of our most cherished commitments. SPARTA Original Greek has pioneered methods in land management, harvest, bottling, standardization, storing and distribution, while preserving all the Teachings and Heritage passed from our Ancestors.



environment alteration, plowing, which mixes the layers of the soil and interferes with the natural microbiome of the earth and cutting all other native plants in order to "favor" the olive trees, thus completely disturbing the balance of the natural flora and fauna resulting in the production of sick soil & subsoil.
SPARTA Original Greek
Absolutely no interference with the ecosystem in any way. No plowing, no mixing / disturbance of the soil layers. Absolutely no modification in any way to the millions of years old "wise" microclimate and environment, in which everything has its role. The native plants, the wild fauna, the micro biome of the soil, they are all parts of natural life. This is their function, to keep the whole ecosystem in balance. No fertilization, pesticide, chemical enhancement. No artificial change of any sort. No alteration of any natural characteristic, hills, valleys, paths etc. No cutting of plants, the plants that can be by themselves in nature, they can exist as long as they like. The same with animals, rabbits, turtles, foxes, birds, bees, with their nests, their "pathways", their "areas of influence". All life is sacred, they are not disturbed in any way so as to establish their own equilibriums. A completely natural and self-sustaining wild olive forest which is preserved to grow at will, totally free.


by fertilizing, pesticiding, herbiciding and adding all kinds of chemicals (even the "biological", "organic" chemicals are also harmful, prepared in laboratories) which pass through the earth => trees => olives => olive oil. Also with grafting to create olive varieties in order to achieve a higher yield in production, but changing the natural DNA of the olive tree, creating in fact "olive trees with special needs", with emphatic pruning and resulting in extra stress and the creation of atrophic, diseased olive trees.

SPARTA Original Greek
Absolutely no interference with the wild olive trees in any way. No pruning, if the trees wanted to be pruned they would drop branches and leaves on their own. Even the so called herbs "paliorrhiza", which often grow at the base of the olive trees, they play their part which is crucial: they force the olive trees to dig their roots deeper into the ground => absorb more nutrients and make the trees highly resilient. Nature knows best. The wild olive trees of SPARTA Original Greek understand that they are in their completely natural environment. They are also absolutely resistant to diseases (“dakos”, “gliospora”, “kerkospora”, cancers, “cycloconium”) etc while they require no water, care, nothing. The rare naturally grown (burnt and regenerated) Wild Olive cultivar produces fewer olives than other standard “cultivars” but with many more nutrients.


mechanized, far from simple harmonious methods with nature and man, with the use of harvesters which literally "tear" the olive trees, hitting them, shaking them, damaging them in all kinds of ways. Even picking with olive sticks stresses the trees in a similar way. This disrespect to nature and trees is returned by the ecosystem to man with the suffering olive fruits "beaten" and altered => already oxidized long before the olive oil is pressed. Not pressed on the same hour, => rancid product from the field already. The final blow is given with the use of plastic crates / boxes to carry them, passing to the surface of the olive fruits plastic molecules (pthalates), carcinogenic for the human health.

SPARTA Original Greek
It takes place at the right seasoning, which means when the trees are ready, when the wild olives are bright, shiny, full. Exclusively by hand, by caressing the branch (super important part of the process, to show respect to the trees) and gently removing the olive fruits which are deposited in the diagonally worn (waist => opposite shoulder), specially made, jute sack which holds around 10 kg of olive fruit. This special jute bag is worn right on the body so it does not bother the harvest person at all, allowing a multi hour work, without strain, calmly and gently. This sort of harvesting is 100% fulfilling for the harvest person while the trees and the olive fruits are absolutely appreciated. The process is completely intertwined with the nature of man and trees. Without equipment, machinery, noise etc. Human and nature only. The above is a major factor that contributes to the production of very high (in nutritional value and polyphenols) olives and olive oil because the wild olive trees and the wild olive drupes are absolutely revered, they are not hurt or damaged in any way, leading to excellent harvested olive fruits and show the estimation of human to the wild olive forest.


all common olive mills are oriented towards mass production, with an emphasis only on quantity, on the "oil to olive yield, 1 to 4" (1 kg of olive oil from 4 kg of olives). In order to achieve this, the temperatures are increased, the malaxing is very intense to completely "juice" the olives, resulting in burning of the oil drops, essentially turning the fresh product into burnt and destroying its nutrients. Also, in these olive mills it is impossible to wash and (even partially) remove the aggravating substances (pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, fertilizers, etc.) of the olive fruits that stick to the various components of the olive mill equipment (crusher, malaxer, decanter, filter, piping, etc). Due to the amount of work they have to perform and the limited operating time frames (the "olive oil production" is a season, November to February), it is impossible to stop to thoroughly wash the machines and the olive fruits.

SPARTA Original Greek
Τhe harvested olives are directly headed to be pressed, without any intermediate waiting. The process has been especifically designed, built and implemented to preserve the nutrients, particularly the widely so called “polyphenolic” contents. Pressing is a very complex process where several factors are simultaneously observed and adjusted in order to achieve maximum preservation of the nutrients during the “conversion” of olives to olive oil. Washing (absolute), Thrashing (monitored), Malaxation (Temperature: <220C. Time: adequate, 40-60min. Intensity: very low) Decanting (specific) and Filtering (thorough) have been designed, built and implemented by SPARTA Original Greek® especially for the Wild Olive Fruits & Trees.

the olive oil is poured into the bottles and exposed to air for a long time (=>oxidation) while the bottles are later highly heated in the caps in order to be sealed and shaken => the heat is transferred throughout the bottle and subesequently to the product, dispersing whatever nutrient.

SPARTA Original Greek
It takes place immediately after the pressing and has been specifically designed "in cold", with minimal process to protect the beneficial nutrients from air, light, heat etc. The standardize unit has been designed, built and implemented by SPARTA Original Greek®, especially for the needs of the product.


olive oil is particularly "volatile", it easily absorbs substances not only through contact from the containers / bottles but also odors from the surrounding atmosphere while it is usually stored in the classic plastic containers, usually 50 liters or even larger (1000 liters) which pass into the olive oil plastic substances (pthalates) which cause cancer in the human system. Similar problems are created by tin containers => the oil absorbs metallic substances and literally becomes poison for the human body.

SPARTA Original Greek
It takes place in a especifically designed and built monitored compartment, without moisture, away from light, at temperature below 190C throughout the year to preserve the nutrients until distribution. Our product is stored only in bottles and inox tanks (non reactive with olive oil). Maximum size of storing tanks is 25lt (to better preserve the nutrients) since bigger tanks, when they start to empty, hold air on their top layer that oxidizes the olive oil and degrades it rapidly. Absolutely no chemicals, no plastics or other means involved in any part of the process, only cartons and papers.

all the weight is given to the communication approach, sales, tricks and all kinds of deception to consumers, completely avoiding reference to the essential issue (how it is actually produced) and focusing only on price, cost etc. and communication tactics. to present nutritionally sterile but at the same time carcinogenic and health-damaging olive oil as healthy.

SPARTA Original Greek
Our network of Logistics Partners reassures excellent handling during transport. Dispatches take place based on the best Performance-to-Price ratio. In this way the quality of the transportation service is never sacrificed. Additionally we ask for feedback from our customers after receiving.


other methods which completely spoil the product turning it into a ticking time bomb for the human body:
- non integration of the entire process, ("somebody's" land, "unknown" harvest, "others" press / malaxe, decant / filter, "anothers" standardize, "3rd parties" store, "4th parties" distribute, "5th parties" place on shelf)
- adulteration with other oils
- mixing with previous years oils that are passed as "this year's"
- flavor enhancers or other ingredients & preservatives added

SPARTA Original Greek
Our products contain 100% Olive Oil from our own land and estate, exclusively from the last harvest (within the year product). Our 100% integration “from the tree to the bottle” (Alpha to Omega) system, enabled us over the years to build a precise traceability system, land <=> consumer and vice versa. That means, each bottle contains information about the Polyphenols and other Nutrients of the Medicinal Wild Olive Oil plus data indicating the part of the land and the trees that it was produced. In this manner we can pinpoint and connect the land, the harvest, the pressing, the bottling, the storing and distribution from and to the final consumer, reassuring 100% quality and the best in the world.



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